10 reasons why you should date a crafter

10 reasons why you should date a crafter

It's not their zombie apocalypse life skills that make crafters excellent dating material... or the fact they can sew on a button. Though it's worth considering they could probably whip up a DIY shelter if things did get serious...

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Published: July 8, 2024 at 11:38 am

There are many reasons you need crafters in your life. They're endlessly creative, give thoughtful, handmade gifts and come with a range of practical skills which come in handy on a daily basis.

Here's a few of our favourite reasons you should date... or live with... or marry... a crafter.

10. They can mend your clothes

From their needle-wielding skills to their ability to fix a hole in your favourite jumper, crafters can be trusted to have a well-stashed cupboard of supplies that come in handy in an emergency. They can take up jeans or turn their hand to visible mending.... though we should warn you, they'd probably rather be cross stitching or crocheting.

9. They'll make snazzy handmade gifts

Every crafter knows the value of a gift made by hand, and of something that can't be brought in the shops. Luckily they also have the skills and the craft stash to make handmade gifts happen. In the age of Amazon and internet orders, personal or unique handmade gifts are becoming more and more valued as we all appreciate one-of-a-kind gift ideas... of course the power of a DIY gift is something that crafters have known for years. And if you make them something in return, they'll seriously appreciate it.

8. They are REALLY good at decorating a room

Crafters have a natural appreciation of colour and design, and they're a naturally creative bunch, which super charges their home decorating skills too. Odds are they'll be a dab hand with a paint brush and colour swatch, and they can also whip up handmade homewares if you're renting and you can't make permanent changes. From knitted blankets to DIY quilted bedspreads or cross stitch samplers to spruce up your walls, you know who to call.

7. They walk around markets saying 'I could make that'

Ok so this one has the potential to verge on the annoying but the next time you're wondering around that flea market or handmade vintage fair, you can guarantee they'll be able to spot the items that they can make themselves at home. God forbid you find a shop selling cheap handmade-effect items that would be better quality if made in person... no that embroidered top isn't as good as the one you could have if you made it from scratch!

6. They leave gifts for you all around the house

A bit like a cat but the gifts are less gory... and really when we say gifts we mean unfinished craft projects... balls of yarn, crochet hooks, cut off pieces of stray thread... and even the odd pins and needles buried in the carpet. When you think about, this unexpected trail of clutter is sure to add a little excitement to your daily life, as you'll never be sure when you'll find a surprise behind the sofa cushion.

5. They can cover up marks on the wall with their handmade creations

Got a scratch or a hole that you want to cover up the next time you have a landlord inspection or friends round for lunch? Dating a crafter will mean you can call on them as backup to whip up a macrame wall hanging or cross stitch picture, ready to hang and hide a multitude of blue tac marks.

4. They can keep kids entertained

Have younger family members and looking for ways to keep them occupied? Crafters come with a ready-made list of ideas for kid-friendly craft activities – from teaching them to cross stitch to finger painting fun, crafts can be enjoyed by all ages and are a lovely way to encourage creativity in mini makers. I once had a friend who had to self isolate with her step children and was able to pop a parcel of emergency craft activities in the post within an hour, just by collecting up a few spare kits and supplies I'd been squirrelling away over the years. So the next time you have nieces and nephews visiting, they can look forward to a good craft session!

3. They will upcycle your clothes into something you never dreamed of

It happens to us all that that once-favourite shirt now no longer fits, or is maybe just not your style these days. Crafters have a wealth of skills which will help you to cut down on fabric waste by refashioning your pre-loved outfits into amazing new projects – from completely fresh wardrobe essentials to clever homewares, they have the skills to take old garments and give them a new lease of life.

2. They can talk to your Grandma about war-time austerity

Make do and mend isn't all in the past if you're a crafter. Us makers love the chance to get creative and make something that others usually buy – in fact the only thing we love more is the chance to talk to older family members and friends about their own experiences of making stuff. From your elderly neighbour who learnt to knit during the war to your Gran's adventures with the WI, crafting is something universally loved by all ages and we really enjoy swapping notes with the crafters who came before us. This also applies to any family members who can do wood working or DIY too – the power of crafting is universal.

1. You'll never need to sew on a button again

We're giving this the top spot purely as we know from anecdotal evidence that being asked to sew on a button is the number 1 request that us crafters get in life. Yes we can do it, yes we usually have needle and thread to hand... no we don't necessarily find it the most fun craft activity but if you ask nicely we're likely to oblige and help you out.

If this article gives you the urge to try crafting, yourself, take our quiz to find out which of these popular craft hobbies is the one for you!

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