Your free granny square downloads

To celebrate Granny Square Day 2024, we're giving you a free pattern download from the the Simply Crochet archives to help get you in the granny square mood. Every Monday leading up to the 15th August we'll be updating this page with a new pattern – but don't miss out, each pattern will only be available for a week.

This weeks free pattern

Granny square tank top crochet pattern by Cassie Ward

Granny Square Tank Top

Simply Crochet magazine downloads archive

In issue 141 of Simply Crochet you’ll find our Postage Stamp Cushion pattern by Maria Jeczmyk. She also designed the Postage Stamp Blanket pattern in issue 134 depicting the late Queen Elizabeth II.

You can use this pdf chart to incorporate the King Charles III design into the Postage Stamp Blanket pattern. Please note this is a slightly different chart to the one used in the cushion pattern.