6 free bird knitting patterns

6 free bird knitting patterns

Find bird knitting patterns for a robin, blackbird, blue tit, coal tit, bullfinch, and a climate canary from the Canary Craftivists campaign

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Published: August 1, 2022 at 10:35 am

We are delighted to share four free bird knitting patterns with you. The climate canary pattern is designed by Claire Garland. This bird knitting pattern is part of the Canary Craftivist Collective as part of their Canary Craftivists campaign.

The patterns for the robin, blackbird and blue tit are designed by Amanda Berry. These bird knitting patterns were originally published in a booklet accompanying Simply Knitting magazine issue 197. The collection contained five different knitted bird patterns, and we are sharing the three most popular with you in this post. We have not included the patterns for the knitted bullfinch and the knitted coal tit. If you would really like these patterns too, please drop us a note in the comments below. If we get enough requests, we will add those knitted bird patterns on as well.

UPDATE: Thank you for your response. We have added two more bird knitting patterns by Amanda Berry, for a coal tit and a bullfinch.

1.Blue tit bird knitting pattern

Knitted blue tit materials

Hayfield Bonus DK

Yarn A: Black (0965) Yarn B: White (0961) Yarn F:Bright Lemon (0819) Yarn G: Bluebell (0969) Yarn H:Grass (0825)

Knitted blue tit Body Start at base. Cast on 9 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn H. Row 1 (WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb) 8 times. [17 sts] Row 3 Purl. Row 4 K1, (kfb, K1) 8 times. [25 sts] Row 5 Purl. Row 6 K1, (kfb, K2) 8 times. [33 sts]

Knitted blue tit tummy panel Join bobbins of Yarn H and Yarn F and work as intarsia. Row 7 P10H, P14F, P9H. Row 8 K1H, (kfbH, K3H) twice, (kfbF, K3F) 3 times, kfbF, K1F, K2H, (kfbH, K3H) twice. [41 sts] Row 9 P12H, P18F, P11H. Row 10 K11H, K18F, K12H. Rows 11 to 18 Rep Rows 9 to 10 four more times. Row 19 Rep Row 9. Row 20 K1H, (k2togH, K3H) twice, (k2togF, K3F) 3 times, k2togF, K1F, K2H, (k2togH, K3H) twice. [33 sts] Row 21 P33H. Cast off.

Knitted blue tit Head Start at bottom edge.
Cast on 33 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 (WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb, K7) 4 times. [37 sts] Join bobbins of Yarn A and Yarn B and work as intarsia. 
Row 3 P5A, P27B, P5A.
Row 4 K4A, K29B, K4A. Row 5 P4A, P29B, P4A. Rows 6 to 7 Rep Rows 4 to 5. Row 8 Rep Row 4. Row 9 Rep Row 3. Row 10 K37A.
Break Yarn A and work in Yarn B. Row 11 Purl. Row 12 K1, (k2tog, K7) 4 times. [33 sts]
Break Yarn B and join Yarn G.
Rows 13, 15 and 17 Purl. 
Row 14 K1, (k2tog, K2) 8 times. [25 sts] Row 16 K1, (k2tog, K1) 8 times. [17 sts] Row 18 K1, (k2tog) 8 times. [9 sts]
Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.
Using Yarn A and Swiss darning (duplicate stitch), embroider a vertical line 7 sts tall down the centre of the white strip at the front of the head.

Knitted blue tit Wings (MAKE 2) Start at top edge.
Cast on 10 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn G. Row 1 and all foll odd-numbered rows (WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K4, (kfb) twice, K4. [12 sts] Row 4 K5, (kfb) twice, K5. [14 sts] Row 6 K6, (kfb) twice, K6. [16 sts] 
Row 8 K7, (kfb) twice, K7. [18 sts] Row 10 Knit. Row 12 K7, ssk, k2tog, K7. [16 sts] Row 14 K6, ssk, k2tog, K6. [14 sts] 
Row 16 K5, ssk, k2tog, K5. [12 sts] Row 18 K4, ssk, k2tog, K4. [10 sts] Row 20 (K2tog) 5 times. [5 sts]
Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten. After making up the Wings and before sewing onto the Body, using Yarn B and Swiss darning (duplicate stitch), embroider a horizontal line 6 sts wide across the side of each Wing.

Knitted blue tit Beak Start at base.
Cast on 4 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn A. Rows 1 and 2 Beg on a WS purl row work in st st. Row 3 (P2tog) twice. [2 sts]
Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Knitted blue tit Tail Start at base.
Cast on 17 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn G. Row 1 (WS) P3, (K1, P1) 5 times, K1, P3.
Row 2 (RS) K3, (P1, K1) 5 times, P1, K3.
Rows 3 to 14 Rep Rows 1 to 2 six more times. Row 15 Rep Row 1.
 Cast off.

Making up the knitted blue tit Sew the cast-off edge of the Body to the cast-on edge of the head. Insert the toy safety eyes on the Head (see photos as a guide). Sew the side edges of the Head/Body tog, stuffing as you sew. Note that the seam runs down the back of the bird. Gather cast-on sts tog at bottom of Body. Sew side edges of Beak tog, and sew cast-on edge onto front of Head. For each Wing, sew side edges tog, gather cast-on sts tog, and sew cast-on end onto side of the Body with seamed edge towards the back of the bird. Sew side edges of Tail tog; this seam runs down centre underside. Oversew cast-off end tog, and sew cast-on edge onto bottom back of the Body.

2. Blackbird bird knitting pattern

Knitted blackbird materials

Hayfield Bonus DK Yarn A: Black (0965) Yarn E :Sunflower (0978)

Knitted blackbird body Start at base. Cast on 9 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 and all foll odd-numbered rows (WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb) 8 times. [17 sts] Row 4 K1, (kfb, K1) 8 times. [25 sts] Row 6 K1, (kfb, K2) 8 times. [33 sts] Row 8 K1, (kfb, K3) 8 times. [41 sts] Rows 9 to 19 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st. Row 20 K1, (k2tog, K3) 8 times. [33 sts] Row 21 Purl. Cast off.

Knitted blackbird head Start at bottom edge. Cast on 33 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 and all foll odd-numbered rows (WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb, K7) 4 times. [37 sts] Rows 3 to 11 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st. Row 12 K1, (k2tog, K7) 4 times. [33 sts] Row 14 K1, (k2tog, K2) 8 times. [25 sts] Row 16 K1, (k2tog, K1) 8 times. [17 sts] Row 18 K1, (k2tog) 8 times. [9 sts] Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Knitted blackbird Wings (make 2) Start at top edge. Cast on 10 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 and all foll odd-numbered rows (WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K4, (kfb) twice, K4. [12 sts] Row 4 K5, (kfb) twice, K5. [14 sts] Row 6 K6, (kfb) twice, K6. [16 sts] Row 8 K7, (kfb) twice K7. [18 sts] Row 10 Knit. Row 12 K7, ssk, k2tog, K7. [16 sts] Row 14 K6, ssk, k2tog, K6. [14 sts] Row 16 K5, ssk, k2tog, K5. [12 sts] Row 18 K4, ssk, k2tog, K4. [10 sts] Row 20 (K2tog) 5 times. [5 sts] Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Knitted blackbird beak Start at base. Cast on 5 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn E. Rows 1 to 3 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st. Row 4 K1, (k2tog) twice. [3 sts] Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Knitted blackbird tail Start at base. Cast on 17 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 (WS) P3, (K1, P1) 5 times, K1, P3. Row 2 (RS) K3, (P1, K1) 5 times, P1, K3. Rows 3 to 14 Rep Rows 1 to 2 six more times. Row 15 Rep Row 1. Cast off.

Making up Sew the cast-off edge of the Body to the cast-on edge of the Head. Insert the toy safety eyes on the Head (see photos as a guide). Sew the side edges of the Head/Body tog, stuffing as you sew. Note that the seam runs down the back of the bird. Gather cast-on sts tog at bottom of Body. Sew side edges of Beak tog, and sew cast-on edge onto front of Head. For each Wing, sew side edges tog, gather cast-on sts tog, and sew cast- on end onto side of the Body with seamed edge towards the back of the bird. Sew side edges of Tail tog; this seam runs down centre underside. Oversew cast-off end tog, and sew cast-on edge onto bottom back of the Body.

3. Robin bird knitting pattern

Knitted robin materials

Hayfield Bonus DK Yarn C Walnut (0927) Yarn D Signal Red

Knitted robin Body Start at base.
Cast on 9 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn C. Row 1 (WS) Purl. 
Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb) 8 times. [17 sts] Row 3 Purl. Row 4 K1, (kfb, K1) 8 times. [25 sts] Row 5 Purl. Row 6 K1, (kfb, K2) 8 times. [33 sts]

Knitted robin tummy panel Join bobbins of Yarn C and Yarn D and work as intarsia. 
Row 7 P10H, P14F, P9H. Row 8 K1H, (kfbH, K3H) twice, (kfbF, K3F) 3 times, kfbF, K1F, K2H, (kfbH, K3H) twice. [41 sts] Row 9 P12H, P18F, P11H. Row 10 K11H, K18F, K12H. Rows 11 to 18 Rep Rows 9 to 10 four more times. Row 19 Rep Row 9.
Row 20 K1H, (k2togH, K3H) twice, (k2togF, K3F) 3 times, k2togF, K1F, K2H, (k2togH, K3H) twice. [33 sts] Row 21 P33H.
Cast off.

Knitted robin head Start at bottom edge. Cast on 33 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn C. Row 1 and all foll odd-numbered rows (WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb, K7) 4 times. [37 sts] Rows 3 to 11 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st. Row 12 K1, (k2tog, K7) 4 times. [33 sts] Row 14 K1, (k2tog, K2) 8 times. [25 sts] Row 16 K1, (k2tog, K1) 8 times. [17 sts] Row 18 K1, (k2tog) 8 times. [9 sts] Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Knitted robin wings (make 2) Start at top edge.Cast on 10 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn C. Row 1 and all foll odd-numbered rows (WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K4, (kfb) twice, K4. [12 sts] Row 4 K5, (kfb) twice, K5. [14 sts] Row 6 K6, (kfb) twice, K6. [16 sts] Row 8 K7, (kfb) twice K7. [18 sts] Row 10 Knit. Row 12 K7, ssk, k2tog, K7. [16 sts] Row 14 K6, ssk, k2tog, K6. [14 sts] Row 16 K5, ssk, k2tog, K5. [12 sts] Row 18 K4, ssk, k2tog, K4. [10 sts] Row 20 (K2tog) 5 times. [5 sts] Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Knitted robin Beak Start at base. Cast on 4 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn A. Rows 1 and 2 Beg on a WS purl row work in st st. Row 3 (P2tog) twice. [2 sts] Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Knitted robin Tail Start at base. Cast on 17 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn C. Row 1 (WS) P3, (K1, P1) 5 times, K1, P3. Row 2 (RS) K3, (P1, K1) 5 times, P1, K3. Rows 3 to 14 Rep Rows 1 to 2 six more times. Row 15 Rep Row 1. Cast off.

Knitted Robin making up Sew the cast-off edge of the Body to the cast-on edge of the Head. Insert the toy safety eyes on the Head (see photos as a guide). Sew the side edges of the Head/Body tog, stuffing as you sew. Note that the seam runs down the back of the bird. Gather cast-on sts tog at bottom of Body. Sew side edges of Beak tog, and sew cast-on edge onto front of Head. For each Wing, sew side edges tog, gather cast-on sts tog, and sew cast- on end onto side of the Body with seamed edge towards the back of the bird. Sew side edges of Tail tog; this seam runs down centre underside. Oversew cast-off end tog, and sew cast-on edge onto bottom back of the Body.

4. Climate canary bird knitting pattern

Designed by Claire Garland, you can use this free bird knitting pattern to knit a gentle environmental protest – he is a Canary Craftivist! Claire produced the design for the Craftivist Collective as part of their Canary Craftivists campaign – taking a gentle, positive approach to climate activism. Click to find out more about the Canary Craftivists campaign.

And of course, he makes a lovely find if you are looking for a free knitted bird pattern, too! We recommend this design for intermediate knitters, but the bird knitting pattern is well within the reach of new knitters too! Take look at our knitting for beginners guide to brush up on the techniques you need, including How to cast on knitting, how to cast off knitting, how to increase in knitting and how to decrease in knitting.

The Canary Craftivists bird knitting pattern was originally published in Simply Knitting magazine issue 214.

Canary knits pattern materials list

Here's a list of the equipment and materials you'll need for the canary bird knitting pattern. To see if you can adapt it for yarns you already have, or to understand how thee British terms relate to American terms, use our yarn weight conversion chart.

  • DROPS Flora (4ply, 65% wool, 35% alpaca, 50g/210m), 1 ball of Yarn A Yellow (17)
  • DROPS Kid Silk (laceweight, 75% mohair, 25% silk, 25g/210m), 1 ball of Yarn B Vanilla (29)
  • DROPS Alpaca (4ply, 100% alpaca, 50g/167m), 1 ball of Yarn C Blush (9026) You can use any 4ply or DK – very small amounts required
  • A pair of 4mm needles
  • DK yarn in black for eyes
  • Toy filling
  • 2 stitch markers


24 sts and 32 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over st st using 4mm needles and Yarn A and Yarn B held together. Check out our knitting tensions squares article to explore the benefits of getting your tension right.


This bird knitting pattern creates a canary measuring 13cm (5in)


This design uses standard British knitting abbreviations. Click for our full list of knitting abbreviations.

Bird knitting pattern: Climate canary

Note Tail, Body and Head are worked as one piece.


Cast on 3 sts using Yarn A and Yarn B, holding the two strands together, and 4mm needles.

Row 1 (WS) Purl.

Row 2 (RS) K1, kfb, K1. [4 sts]

Rows 3, 5, 7 and 9 Purl.

Row 4 (inc) Kfb, K1, M1, K1, kfb. [7 sts]

Row 6 (inc) K3, kfb, K3. [8 sts]

Row 8 (inc) Kfb, K3, M1, K3, kfb. [11 sts]

Row 10 (inc) K5, kfb, K5. [12 sts]

Rows 11 to 13 Beg with a purl row, work 3 rows in st st.

Row 14 (dec) K2tog, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog. [10 sts]

Rows 15 to 17 Beg with a purl row, work 3 rows in st st.


Row 18 (inc) (RS) Kfb, K to last st, kfb. [12 sts]

Row 19 (inc) (WS) P1, pfb, purl to last 2 sts, pfb, P1. [14 sts]

Rows 20 to 23 Rep last 2 rows twice more. [22 sts]

PM at each end of last row to mark Body.

Row 24 (inc) Kfb, K to last st, kfb. [24 sts]

Rows 25 to 35 Beg with a purl row, work 11 rows in st st.

Row 36 K2tog, K8, kfb, K2, kfb, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog.

Row 37 (inc) Pfb, purl to last st, pfb. [26 sts]


Row 38 (RS) K20, w&t.

Row 39 (WS) P14, w&t.

Row 40 K13, w&t.

Row 41 P12, w&t.

Row 42 K11, w&t.

Row 43 P10, w&t.

Row 44 K9, w&t.

Row 45 P8, w&t.

Row 46 K7, w&t.

Row 47 P6, w&t.

Row 48 K5, w&t.

Row 49 P4, w&t.

Row 50 K15 to end of row.

Row 51 (dec) *P2tog, P2; rep from * to last 2 sts, p2tog. [19 sts]

Cut yarn leaving a long tail. Thread end through all 19 sts for beak point. Pull up tightly. Secure gathers with a stitch or two.


Body With WS together, fold bird in half to match row ends and body markers. Mattress stitch from beak point to body markers. Stuff bird through the opening at the bottom of body, mattress stitch opening closed from markers to the top of the tail. Join tail tip for approx. 2.5 cm. Note The rest of the tail curls in on itself so does not need joining.

Beak Cut 60cm of Yarn C and thread through sewing needle. Using yarn doubled, secure the yarn at beak point and work straight stitches over and over each other to create a triangular beak.

Eyes With black embroidery thread or yarn, work French knots for eyes at each side of the head.

Legs Cut two lengths of Yarn C, approx 60cm long. Fold each length in half and attach yarn to just above the body markers, about 1cm apart, so that you can attach the bird to a perch, or wind the yarn around your finger to make the bird ‘sit’ on your finger. Remove body markers.

5. Coal tit bird knitting pattern

Knitted coal tit materials

Yarn A: Black (0965) Yarn B: White (0961) Yarn J: Silver Grey (0838) Yarn K: Oatmeal (0964)

Knitted coal tit body

Start at base. Cast on 9 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn J. Row 1 (WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb) 8 times. [17 sts] Row 3 Purl. Row 4 K1, (kfb, K1) 8 times. [25 sts] Row 5 Purl. Row 6 K1, (kfb, K2) 8 times. [33 sts]

Knitted coal tit tummy panel

Join bobbins of Yarn J and Yarn K and work as intarsia. Row 7 P10J, P14K, P9J. Row 8 K1J, (kfbJ, K3J) twice, (kfbK, K3K) 3 times, kfbK, K1K, K2J, (kfbJ, K3J) twice. [41 sts] Row 9 P12J, P18K, P11J. Row 10 K11J, K18K, K12J. Rows 11 to 18 Rep Rows 9 to 10 four more times. Row 19 Rep Row 9. Row 20 K1J, (k2togJ, K3J) twice, (k2togK, K3K) 3 times, k2togK, K1K, K2J, (k2togJ, K3J) twice. [33 sts] Row 21 P33J. Cast off.

Knitted coal tit head

Start at bottom edge. Cast on 33 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 (WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb, K7) 4 times. [37 sts]

Join bobbins of Yarn A and Yarn B and work as intarsia. Row 3 P3B, P5A, P7B, P7A, P7B, P5A, P3B. Row 4 K3B, K5A, K8B, K5A, K8B, K5A, K3B. Row 5 P3B, P5A, P9B, P3A, P9B, P5A, P3B. Row 6 K3B, K5A, K9B, K3A, K9B, K5A, K3B. Row 7 P2B, P6A, P9B, P3A, P9B, P6A, P2B. Row 8 K8A, K9B, K3A, K9B, K8A. Row 9 P8A, P9B, P3A, P9B, P8A.

Break Yarn B and work in Yarn A. Row 10 Knit. Rows 11, 13, 15 and 17 Purl. Row 12 K1, (k2tog, K7) 4 times. [33 sts] Row 14 K1, (k2tog, K2) 8 times. [25 sts] Row 16 K1, (k2tog, K1) 8 times. [17 sts] Row 18 K1, (k2tog) 8 times. [9 sts] Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Knitted coal tit wings (Make 2)

Start at top edge. Cast on 10 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn J. Row 1 and all foll odd-numbered rows (WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K4, (kfb) twice, K4. [12 sts] Row 4 K5, (kfb) twice, K5. [14 sts] Row 6 K6, (kfb) twice, K6. [16 sts] Row 8 K7, (kfb) twice, K7. [18 sts] Row 10 Knit. Row 12 K7, ssk, k2tog, K7. [16 sts] Row 14 K6, ssk, k2tog, K6. [14 sts] Row 16 K5, ssk, k2tog, K5. [12 sts] Row 18 K4, ssk, k2tog, K4. [10 sts] Row 20 (K2tog) 5 times. [5 sts] Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

After making up the Wings and before sewing onto the Body, using Yarn B and swiss darning (duplicate stitch), embroider two horizontal parallel lines 6 sts and 4 sts wide across the side of each wing.

Knitted coal tit beak

Start at base. Cast on 4 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn A. Rows 1 and 2 Beg on a WS purl row work in st st. Row 3 (P2tog) twice. [2 sts] Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Knitted coal tit tail

Follow the Blackbird Tail pattern using Yarn J.

Making up the knitted coal tit

Follow instructions for Blue Tit.

6. Bullfinch bird knitting pattern

Knitted bullfinch materials

Yarn A: Black (0965) Yarn B: White (0961) Yarn J: Silver Grey (0838) Yarn L: Punchy Pink (0728)

Knitted bullfinch body

Start at base. Cast on 9 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn J. Row 1 (WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb) 8 times. [17 sts] Row 3 Purl. Row 4 K1, (kfb, K1) 8 times. [25 sts] Row 5 Purl. Row 6 K1, (kfb, K2) 8 times. [33 sts]

Knitted bullfinch tummy panel

Join bobbins of Yarn J and Yarn B and work as intarsia. Row 7 P10J, P14B, P9J. Row 8 K1J, (kfbJ, K3J) twice, (kfbB, K3B) 3 times, kfbB, K1B, K2J, (kfbJ, K3J) twice. [41 sts] Row 9 P12J, P18B, P11J. Row 10 K11J, K18B, K12J. Row 11 Rep Row 9.

Break Yarn B and join Yarn L. Row 12 K11J, K18L, K12J. Row 13 P12J, P18L, P11J. Rows 14 to 19 Rep Rows 12 to 13 three more times. Row 20 K1J, (k2togJ, K3J) twice, (k2togL, K3L) 3 times, k2togL, K1L, K2J, (k2togJ, K3J) twice. [33 sts] Row 21 P10J, P14L, P9J. Cast off in Yarn J and Yarn L as set.

Knitted bullfinch head

Start at bottom edge and work as intarsia throughout. Cast on 33 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn J and L as follows: cast on 7 sts in J, 18 sts in L, and 8 sts in J. Row 1 (WS) P8J, P18L, P7J. Row 2 (RS) K1J, kfbJ, K5J, k2L, kfbL, K7L, kfbL, K7L, kfbJ, K7J. [37 sts] Row 3 P9J, P20L, P8J. Row 4 K8J, K20L, K9J.

Break Yarn J and join Yarn A. Row 5 P9A, P20L, P8A. Row 6 K8A, K20L, K9A. Rows 7 to 8 Rep Rows 5 to 6. Row 9 P10A, P18L, P9A.

Break Yarn L and work in Yarn A. Row 10 Knit. Rows 11, 13, 15 and 17 Purl. Row 12 K1, (k2tog, K7) 4 times. [33 sts] Row 14 K1, (k2tog, K2) 8 times. [25 sts] Row 16 K1, (k2tog, K1) 8 times. [17 sts] Row 18 K1, (k2tog) 8 times. [9 sts] Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Knitted bullfinch wings (Make 2)

Cast on and work Rows 1 to 8 in Yarn J and Rows 9 to 20 in Yarn A.

Start at top edge. Cast on 10 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn J. Row 1 and all foll odd-numbered rows (WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K4, (kfb) twice, K4. [12 sts] Row 4 K5, (kfb) twice, K5. [14 sts] Row 6 K6, (kfb) twice, K6. [16 sts] Row 8 K7, (kfb) twice K7. [18 sts] Row 10 Knit. Row 12 K7, ssk, k2tog, K7. [16 sts] Row 14 K6, ssk, k2tog, K6. [14 sts] Row 16 K5, ssk, k2tog, K5. [12 sts] Row 18 K4, ssk, k2tog, K4. [10 sts] Row 20 (K2tog) 5 times. [5 sts] Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Knitted bullfinch beak

Start at base. Cast on 5 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn A. Rows 1 to 3 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st. Row 4 K1, (k2tog) twice. [3 sts] Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Knitted bullfinch tail

Start at base. Cast on 17 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn J. Row 1 (WS) P3, (K1, P1) 5 times, K1, P3. Row 2 (RS) K3, (P1, K1) 5 times, P1, K3. Rows 3 to 14 Rep Rows 1 to 2 six more times. Row 15 Rep Row 1. Cast off.

Making up the knitted bullfinch

Sew the cast-off edge of the Body to the cast-on edge of the Head. Insert the toy safety eyes on the Head (see photos as a guide). Sew the side edges of the Head/Body tog, stuffing as you sew. Note that the seam runs down the back of the bird. Gather cast-on sts tog at bottom of Body. Sew side edges of beak tog, and sew cast-on edge onto front of Head. For each wing, sew side edges tog, gather cast-on sts tog, and sew cast-on end onto side of the Body with seamed edge towards the back of the bird. Sew side edges of Tail tog; this seam runs down centre underside. Oversew cast-off end tog, and sew cast-on edge onto bottom back of the Body.

More like the bird knitting patterns

We have plenty more designs like the free bird knitting pattern for you to enjoy, right here on Gathered! Check out our toy dog knitting patterns or our free elephant knitting pattern. Keep using your knitter for good causes with our premature baby hats knitting patterns and our how to make a Twiddlemuff article. Or if you feel like treating yourself or a pal to new knitting kit, check out our knitting kits roundup.